We finally posted our MP3 center tonight. It is a page in the audio magazine section. We included a link on the home page so it's easier to get to.
The audio magazines posted right now are fairly random. We have been publishing audio for over 4 years (text over 5 years), so there's a lot that's currently missing from the page. We wanted to test the interest in our MP3s while we continue to reconfigure the rest of our audio programming.
Currently we have also only listed the entire audio magazines. We will eventually post all the segments in MP3. We must find a better way to list them than what we have now. We are working on a specific search feature for our audio programming. We are hoping to post it this summer before we go on hiatus in August.
Check it out and let us know what you think by leaving a comment here or emailing us. If you have ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to make them. We are working to serving you better!
