How do I choose?

1 min read

At the desk, 8:46 a.m.

I woke up this morning and realized I needed to do more research on the Niobrara Oil field boom in Northeastern Colorado.

...and I needed to do my PT exercises...

...and I need to get out in the garden and get a stand for the new beehive made...

...and I need to answer a few emails about interviews and guest posts...

...and President Obama is leaving town from the park by my house...

...and I wanted to get another chapter in Denver Cereal done...

...and Rose wants her treats and to be petted and played with and have the covers held for her...

...and I need to place an order with the gardening center to get some gardening tools...


If this column is about the life of an author, then we have to talk about all the competing stuff that hits on days like today.

The difference between writing and working any other job I've ever had, including being a therapist, is that it's impossible to write and do anything else. So my list is actually:



order from the garden center, see President Obama and his helicopters, do my PT exercises, make the beehive stand, set up interviews and guest posts, play with Rose, research the Niabrara Oil boom, or really anything else.

Because I have such tight deadlines, the decisions are usually no brainers. But in this in between time when I haven't started the next Fey book or the next project, things are a little looser. Loose is lovely and also anxiety producing. How do I choose?

What would you do?

In the meantime, I found this helpful this morning. (Plus, the President left at 8:50 instead of between 9-10 like he was supposed to.)
