1 min read

Denver Cereal - Four years and still going strong!

At the desk, 9:36 a.m.

I'm not sure I actually believe it.

Denver Cereal turns four today, June 12, 2012.

If you had asked me in 2008, if I'd still be writing Denver Cereal in 2012, I would said I don't know.

God knows, I wanted to have the capacity to write an entertaining, engaging serial fiction but who knew if I could do it? Writing a serial is a full time endeavor. There are no days off for good behavior, no hiatus, or sick leave. I had no idea if I could possible pull it off.

Somehow, some way, one day after another, Denver Cereal has pieced together a community of amazing characters and even more fabulous readers.

Happy Birthday to everyone who reads Denver Cereal and all of the people involved in making it happen here.

Four more years? Why not?
